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I completely understand you are

Hesitant to put yourself out there only to end up disappointed AGAIN

Worried of old patterns showing up again

Unsure the relationship you want even exists 

A little lost on where to even start! It’s been a while since you dated

What if instead you had

✓ The belief that your ideal relationship was out there and it is one that works for you

✓ The confidence to navigate the dating world with the support of those who have been there

Excitement about getting out there dating again knowing that you have the skills to attract and create something different this time around

✓ The trust in yourself that you can attract healthy choices this time because you understand your patterns and how to change them

What my clients say

From the bio-energy sessions, 1:1 coaching sessions and weekly sessions, The Alignment Academy was a real eye opening and encouraging programme to navigate the complex world of dating and relationships. I also developed skills to improve my non romantic relationships (work, family & friends). I feel more clear on my blind spots and boundaries/non negotiables and my ability to communicate my needs 


From this course the most important skill I have seen is I have been able to create boundaries. Also had the confidence to have a difficult conversation with a member of my family. I’m also beginning to show up more for myself in relation to my health.


CLARITY - definitely would be one of the words I feel after! Clarity on who and what I want to me more like. A truly was a unique journey that although was been shared with others I felt so connected to it and it felt very personal at the same time. This course gave such an important focus on ourselves and the inner work needed while establishing the connections with others and gave such wonderful perspective and also if anything make it exciting to start this journey and share it with a partner!


Eventually, you decide that this whole dating thing  just doesn't work and you just decide to focus on career for now...and I don't blame you!

Feeling like you're just wasting your time and energy is not fun.

And knowing that you would love someone to share a life with but having past hurts that have led you to protect you from this is hard.

But it doesn't have to be like that!

Meet My Proven Framework

Module 1: Who Am I in Dating?

To attract a healthy relationship you need to be clear on who you want to be in this relationship. This means building safety and security in yourself and building trust in yourself to step into radical self-care, nurturance and compassion. This sets you up for real intimacy instead of ending up in old patterns and cycles.

➡️Learn to set and create healthy routines that take you to the best version of yourself in a healthy relationship.

➡️Learn healthy boundaries that honour your values and ask for your needs to be met.

➡️Learn healthy communication and end the people pleasing patterns.

Module 3: Where Am I Going?

I want you to feel clear and confident going out into the dating world. Clear on what it is you are seeking and how to ask for this.

➡️Learn how to set up your dating profile to attract your matches. I teach the best prompts to get the most from your responses and the questions to ask to stand out in the crowd.

➡️Learn the “in real life” plan to meet people.

➡️Learn the relationship skills and how to plan to BE in the relationship you desire.

What's Included?

During our 3 months together you will get a high level of support to include:

Dating app reviews - you'll be able to send me your profile  for review. This can be photos or profile scripts for us to optimise your chances of meeting your match.

Group community and support (optional) - you will be going through this program with a small number of other women. Together you will support one another and thrive in a positive community all working towards the same goals. The calls are all a  private webinar experience so if you wish to remain private on your time here you may also do so.

Bi weekly groups webinars where we peel back the layers to reveal our best versions of self

Hypnotic tracks to rewire your unconscious beliefs and start a new way of thinking

Hypnotic meditations to identifty what you might be experiencing at an energetic level that might be holding back your transformation.

✓ Help soften the walls around your heart with a group energy clearing

Supplementary material to each lesson to deepen your understanding and gain deeper clarity.

✓Your own copy of My Designed life journal documenting your journey throughout the programme

Lifetime access - you'll also get lifetime access to all 5 modules, including any updates or extra training I add in.

Let's See If We're a Match!

Why The Alignment Academy is different...

✓ I'll give you systems & structure I used to totally change my relationship experience

✓ I don’t just teach dating advice. In fact we don’t even get to that until week 10. My programme is designed to help you become confident in how to BE in the relationship after you meet that special someone.

✓ I've been in group programs before and felt unseen and unsupported. I pride myself on offering an incredibly high level of support to my clients. You will have weekly chances to have your questions answered and learn from others along the way. 

✓ I focus on implementation. You will not be left on your own in this program. Each week will have a different focus and we will build layer by layer to reduce overwhelm

✓ I know what it’s like to feel like just getting started is overwhelming. I’ll keep it simple and walk you through exactly what you need to know, step by step.

I don't do fluff. My training videos will be high value  and to the point.

On completion of this program, you will feel more confident and equipped to get out there and create that healthy relationship you know you desire.

What Happens Next?

You feel like this program and my style of coaching are the right fit for you, so you click the button below to fill out the short and confidential application form to work with me.

We can also set up a discovery call to see if we are a good fit and if we are, I can offer you a spot in the group!


I am brand new to personal development, IS THIS FOR ME?

If you are just beginning this journey of self discovery this may be a little much for you just now.. I would suggest you start with my “Boundaries made easy” course first to learn to connect a little more with yourself and to learn one of the foundational skills of any relationship - Boundaries.

I have been off the dating scene for a while. IS THIS FOR ME?The ALIGNMENT ACADEMY was actually made with you in mind! I had taken a break from dating for almost all of my 30's, so yes I know where you are! Come on in the waters just fine! 


The ALIGNMENT ACADEMY is a 3 month program. Once it ends you will continue to have lifetime access to the material.  You will have the option to continue working with me on a one to one basis if you need and depending on availability.


You receive bi weekly calls. One training call and one Q&A call where you can submit your questions from the week and I will answer them live. I will be available on Whattsapp to answer any major questions throughout the course. Not to mention you have lifetime access to all the trainings I have created for you.


It would be unethical to guarantee any results in a coaching program. The strategies and frameworks in THE ALIGNMENT ACADEMY  are proven and tested, If you show up and implement the steps, your relationship to self will have shifted massively and that level of self worth is what attracts everything in our lives. I can guarantee my support and guidance throughout the process.

Your Investment

€1111 for 12 week 1:1 coaching


€650 for 12 week group programme paid in full or 3 part payments of €222